Route 91 Nation’s Scholarship Program was put in place to assist with the cost of higher education courses for those students who desire to create a better community. This program is offering three different scholarships.
These scholarships were created to give back to the community, as the community did in the days after Route 91. We also want to give students who were/are affected by violence a second chance at their education. It is about connecting to the public with nothing other than a helping hand and a good heart.
The scholarships offered are based around helping one another and moving past the hardships for a better nation together. Each one focuses on the aspects of wanting to be of help to the community, whether it is the dream of becoming a first responder, helping by being a volunteer, or working with children.
General Information
Route 91 Nation will award scholarships once a year in between the Spring and Fall Semester in the month of June.
Each scholarship awarded can range from $500 - $10,000.
Every application will be looked over, and awardees will be selected by a committee of three who are all business professionals in their respective fields.
Click on an image below for more information on and applications for each scholarship.